Reproducible Experiment Platform (REP)
REP is environment for conducting data-driven research in a consistent and reproducible way. It has a unified classifiers wrapper for variety of implementations like TMVA, Sklearn, XGBoost, uBoost. It can train classifiers parallely on a cluster. It support of interactive plots.
It includes:
- Data provides operations with data
- Estimators (classification and regression) is sklearn-like wrappers for variety of machine learning libraries (Sklearn, uBoost, XGBoost, TMVA). These can be used as base estimators in sklearn.
- Meta Machine Learning contains factory (the set of estimators), grid search, folding algorithm. Also parallel execution on a cluster is supported
- Report for models contains helpful classes to get model result information on any dataset
- Plotting is wrapper for different plotting libraries including interactive plots (matplotlib, bokeh, tmva, plotly)
- Utilities contains additional functions
- Website:
- GitHub:
- Documentation:
- Getting started:
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