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Scala.js compiles Scala code to JavaScript, allowing you to write your web application entirely in Scala! Take a look at the project gallery to see what kind of things you can build with Scala.js.

Noteworthy features

  • Support all of Scala (including macros!), modulo a few semantic differences
  • Very good interoperability with JavaScript code. For example, use jQuery and HTML5 from your Scala.js code, either in a typed or untyped way. Or create Scala.js objects and call their methods from JavaScript.
  • Integrated with sbt (including support for dependency management and incremental compilation)
  • Can be used with your favorite IDE for Scala
  • Generates Source Maps for a smooth debugging experience (step through your Scala code from within your browser supporting source maps)
  • Integrates Google Closure Compiler for producing minimal code for production. Compiled blobs range from 170-400kb
  • Produces (very) efficient JavaScript code (benchmarks)



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